8/29 NICU Day 6
Today was another uneventful day. Olivia did remain the same weight as yesterday (605 grams) and so the neonatal doctor ordered her milk drip to increase to 4ml every 3 hours. He warned that she may not tolerate it well. WELL...she proved everyone wrong once again. No spit ups, no throwing up, just a happy full baby.
Due to her increase in feeding times, her care times have also been adjusted. This means the nurse does have to "mess" with Olivia more often. Due to more disrupted sleep, it is encouraged that parents try to come spend time with baby during these care times to minimize the potential agitation Olivia may feel from overstimulation. The short version of that is more time for her dad and I to love on her and be involved in her care. I was able to hold Olivia again today for about an hour. Kevin and I sang to her, talked to her, and as she fell asleep we did our devotional together. These small family moments remind me to not take family for granted.
Praying for Olivia's continued stability. Continuing to pray for Kevin and I when doubt starts to wash over us. Praying and thanking God for our friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, and all those who are praying over us and sending us encouragement. Know that we do not take you all for granted. We feel incredibly blessed. 💗