9/15 NICU Day 23
We thank everyone for all your prayers and encouragement! Olivia is continuing to do really well!
Rounds with the doctors today were quick with not many changes made to Olivia’s care. The best kind of rounds! She is continuing to grow…but a little slowly. She will start to get extra calories in her fortified milk drip to help her to add on the pounds.
She is still doing well with her bubble CPAP-only requiring extra oxygen occasionally, but mostly remaining on room air.
Probably the most exciting news for the day is the surprise room change! This morning the charge nurse came to speak with me stating that in order for the floors to be waxed…Olivia (and the other four babies in her wing) would be transferred to another pod (area) of the NICU. Not a big deal. Well…when Kevin went to go visit in the evening, he found Olivia had been moved to the “garden” area. From what we had been told earlier in her NICU stay, the garden area is for stable babies to hang out and grow until they go home-Olivia may not make it there until after her adjusted age of 30 weeks (so about three weeks from now). Imagine my surprise when Kevin called me to let me know the news. Olivia was deemed stable enough to move early to the garden rooms! She now has a big private room and will remain there until discharged (because we believe she will remain stable and will continue to pray she does!).
I can’t wait to see the room myself tomorrow and bring some things from home, since it will be a private space (for example-pictures, more books from her cousins, and a special quilt a friend’s mom made for her). I am just beyond amazed at how well she is doing. Olivia is definitely a miracle baby.
Kevin and I continue to be thankful for everything everyone is doing for us…most of all for the prayers. We obviously are praying to a God who hears us & listens to the desires of our hearts …and continues to perform miracles :)