9/23 NICU Day 31
Had a wonderful day today! Olivia has hit a big milestone. She’s 2.01 lbs. We are thrilled! Kevin thinks that he can tell she weighs more when he held her this evening. He said his arm fell asleep, but this could just be my husband teasing me. To me, she still felt like my tiny little nugget when I held her this morning! Although she has continued to have few brady/desat events, she has remained mostly on room air (21%) since yesterday evening. Hopefully she will have less (or no) events and be able to wean back down on her CPAP settings to where she was last week. There still is no explanation other then it’s just what preemies do.
Very excited to be off work the next few days and spend some longer days with Olivia. She has been tolerating being able to be held for longer periods of time. (A little over two hours this morning!). Skin to skin (or kangaroo care) is encouraged so I am very much looking forward to a long weekend of snuggles :)