9/30 NICU Day 38

Even though Olivia has continued to have events and require the extra oxygen, today was a really good day. 
On my way to the hospital I was thinking about how she has required more oxygen. Not much more, 23-25% FiO2, but she isn’t on room air as often as she was even a few days ago. I don’t know why I think about negative aspects of this situation sometimes…but by the time I got to the hospital I was feeling emotionally drained. I said a quick prayer for Olivia and for my anxiety and headed into the hospital. When I got to her room, one of our primary nurses (always makes me feel better seeing our primaries!!) was starting her care with respiratory. They had Olivia’s CPAP off and without oxygen Olivia’s vital signs were stable. For about fifteen minutes while they cleaned her face and assessed her skin, Olivia only required occasional breaths from the CPAP. I was able to get a wonderful look (& some really good pictures of Olivia) without the tubes, hat, or other devices covering up her sweet face.

Occupational therapy worked with Olivia today as well. It was fun to be there during a session. We worked with a pacifier to practice initiate sucking. It was the cutest and tiniest pacifier I’ve ever seen. Being able to be involved with Olivia’s care has meant so much to us. 

After all of her hard work, Olivia and I got to cuddle for almost two hours before I had to head in to work. She only had one event (episode-her oxygen saturation dipped) with me during kangaroo care. I’m continuing to try and not let the events bother me. During rounds the doctor made a point to let me know this is typical. So, I’m trying to just focus on all the good and take each day at a time. 

Praying that I have an easier time remembering that God is in control…that I don’t need to worry about tomorrow. He continues to show us that He is good. That not only is He good, He knows the desires of our hearts and gives us moments of happiness and answers prayers in ways we never expect. 

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