10/12 NICU Day 50
50 days. I keep saying I can’t believe things but…wow. It is hard to believe 50 days have passed since Olivia arrived here. (Also hard to believe she’s getting a double chin!!)
Today I saw the other side of a family meeting. I have only ever been a part of family meetings as the nurse. We discussed the plan of care and course for Olivia and her PDA.For now Olivia is on acetaminophen. The Tylenol will hopefully help to close the hole. According to the doctor we have about a 20% chance it will close and 40% chance it will shrink. Not great odds, but I do believe in a God who doesn’t work with our odds.
The plan is to trial the medicine route and have another ECHO Monday. The results, and if Olivia is having symptoms the PDA is affecting her will determine the course. I don’t really want to go into treatment options at this point because we aren’t there yet. It was a ton of information for us.
Olivia has remained without events and on room air since Friday. It has been a relief that we haven’t had to worry about that on top of everything else. Her weight hasn’t changed much since she hasn’t been being fed BUT hopefully tomorrow they restart feeds and she will get back to her good growth curve.
Please send lots of prayers and positivity for Olivia tomorrow. She has her first eye exam. I’ve heard it’s a big day for the babies…and rough on parents too. I ordered some more Olivia books (about the little pig) and plan to read and cuddle and comfort as much as possible. I’m sure she will be more fine than I will be! Per usual.
Sometimes on long days at the hospital…when I’m tired of reading, I play some of my favorite hymns for Olivia and I. Today I was listening to the words of ‘How Great Thou Art’. In the hustle and bustle and focus on my new normal I’ve forgotten many times how great and powerful He is. I do believe He can do all things and remains in control. Maybe it won’t be an easy remaining NICU stay but He will be there-the same God who is the God of the mountains and the valleys.