11/20 NICU Day 89

 Not everyone was happy it was an early Saturday! 

Olivia is officially “term” as she is 37 weeks as of Friday. It’s still hard to believe we are just kind of in a waiting period while she learns to eat. The NP said this is when a lot of parents get “NICU-itis” and start to become anxious and impatient. Although her feedings have improved, it’s tough watching how slow the progress moves. That is the key though-improving. She is now taking about 34% of all her feeds by mouth (so either bottle or breastfeeding). She is also up to 5.5lbs which just absolutely blows my mind. 

She’s been doing really well-the doctor is keeping her on oxygen for now-but is fairly confident she won’t need it once she gets a good hang of eating consistently over 50% orally. Olivia will have another ECHO (ultrasound of her heart) on Monday. The murmur has been intermittently heard on exams. We are certain the hole has shrunk, but are praying it is very tiny. I’m still praying it will close completely. 

I’m not sure if it’s the NICUitis or just feeling fatigued from this whole season of life, but I’ve been very impatient lately. I’m trying to not estimate or over calculate when I think she will be home for fear that I’ll be disappointed. This whole experience has really shown me though, how much my mom must have, and still does, love me. The love I have for my daughter is unexplainable. I never knew I’d love her as much as I do-so quickly and unconditionally. At the end of the day, all the stress, patience, worry, fear…all worth it just to have her with me. I can’t wait until she’s home!

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