11/27 NICU Day 96

Whew. 96 days…three months old (basically)…the time has flown by but has also has taken forever. Sweet baby girl is taking about 40% of her feeds orally and is up to 6 lbs! The nurses have started using size one diapers and putting Olivia in newborn size clothes. I just can not believe how big she is getting! 

We are working on our positivity and patience while we continue to just wait for Olivia to get the hang of taking in her whole feeds orally. She tires herself out-but has been improving-even if it’s slowly. She is also being weaned off oxygen (finally!). She is now on 0.05L and so far hasn’t had any events. 

Kevin had to remind me today again of how far we’ve come. He reminded me how strong my faith was to not doubt God at the beginning of all this when we didn’t know the outcome. A friend of ours also happened to send a note with the reminder in Matthew 17:20 “….I say to you if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to the mountain move from here to there and it will move…”. It is still difficult to be patient and be firm in my faith, but I continue to believe in God and His promises. 

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