May Moments

This little monkey has been keeping us on our toes! Before I get too ahead of myself we have some exciting news! Olivia did so well with her 2 week trial of no oxygen that the doctor allowed for it to be removed completely! We are oxygen free!! She is still on medications and the “prescription” for oxygen hasn’t been removed (as a ‘just in case’), but hopefully when we go back in June all will be well and we can officially be done with oxygen, return all the equipment, (and get some space back in our tiny house!). Summer weather seems to be upon us here in NC so we aren’t going on as many walks as we had been. We have started to use our small baby pool and take advantage of my parent’s neighborhood pool. Olivia absolutely loves the water! It’s difficult to take a picture of her in the pool so here’s one of bath time. Her face is practically the same whether in the bath or in the pool-pure joy! Olivia has also started to eat solid foods but because her need ...