It’s hard to believe summer is here and half the 2022 year is through. So far, this season has been a busy one for us!
The beginning of June started with Olivia’s first long distance car ride. We drove to Charlotte to celebrate my brother and sister-in-law. Olivia was on her best behavior-except stealing a few toys meant for her new cousin. We can’t wait to meet Penelope in August!

Speaking of cousins, Olivia has been able to see her cousins more often now that summer has started.

We made it down to Topsail Beach for the Wood side of the family beach vacation (next month will be the McVerry side!).

Let me tell you, this little girl gets her love of the beach honestly. She would have sat in the tide pools all day if we let her. Her and her cousin spent a lot of time bonding and even sharing the occasional handful of sand. It's so fun to watch her interact with her cousins. Kevin, Olivia, and I are so blessed to have our families close by.
Last month we celebrated Mother's Day for a whole weekend, Kevin was really looking forward to his moment this month. Kevin’s first Father’s Day was spent with a relaxing weekend full of good food and lots of family time. After a great brunch that included homemade peach ice cream with Kevin’s family, we spent the evening home with homemade pizza and movie night per Kevin’s request. Olivia, as usual, can’t get enough of her dad. Safe to say she’s still a daddy’s girl. Hard to believe this time last year I surprised Kevin with the announcement that we were having a little girl.
Last month we were in the middle of a long trial off of oxygen. At this last doctor's visit, we are officially turning in the oxygen equipment! We are completely oxygen free. The doctor has also decreased some of Olivia's medications. We are also able to lower the number of total calories we calculate and add to her formula since her weight gain exceeded the expectations set at our last appointment. She is now a 16.2 lb baby!!
To celebrate we made another trip out to see Jess, one of the many great nurses who took care of Olivia during her NICU stay. Jess introduced Olivia to her first Musical/Rom-Com/Disney movie…Olivia feel asleep-she’s such her father's child.
Olivia had an excellent Physical Therapy appointment. The last time we saw PT, about two months ago, they set a goal that she would be sitting up on her own. The physical therapist told us that most babies born as early as Olivia (at 24 weeks) are very behind physically and to not be too discouraged if she did not hit the goal.
They were blown away with how great she is doing with sitting and reaching, and even scooting around. We met with the whole team (nurses, doctor, therapy, dietician) and all were in awe of how well Olivia is doing. We have lots of exercises to work on but don’t have therapy for three months! If she hits her goals, we may continue to be able to avoid outpatient therapy.

Can't leave out our TJ update! Now that Olivia is scooting, TJ has grown increasingly cautious around her. She hasn’t successfully started crawling, but she's quick with her hands and her mobility has lead her to get a clump of cat hair once or twice. Most mornings I sit with her and do my devotional, while I sit there TJ feels brave enough to come and sit with us. She LOVES him and laughs and laughs any time he plays with his toys or runs past her. Kevin says he’s the reason she’s mobile at all. Hopefully he finds some new hiding spots in the next few weeks!
Deuteronomy 3:24
“Sovereign Lord, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do?